Monday, August 8, 2011

Kitchen Revamp

I've been slowly working on revamping the apartment. With no money and not much time its a project that has beengoing pretty slow. But I am pretty happy with how the few things that I have done have turned out.

It all started with this picture frame, when I bought it a few years ago it was white. It had a short life as a blonde too, but then I settled on this tourquose color. Then I took some chalkboard paint and painted the glass that came with it. It took about three coats to get it to the darkness that I wanted but it was so worth it and I believe the total cost was less then $10.

I had spotted some state cutouts on etsy that I really liked but they cost money that I don't have. So I took out some scrapbook paper and an exacto knife and got to tracying. I made this one for California. I was pretty happy with the way that it turned out. I threw it in an old frame that has seen better days and viola! Total cost $2 can't beat that.

I got a little ambiouses with the next one. Kurtis served his mission in Croatia and has so many great memorys of the time he spent there. I did the same thing but this one was bit more difficult. Kurtis said that I cut out a town, but I say who cares how many people besides you will know! This one got a frame that I bought for Bunco night that no one took home so total cost was 5 bucks.

The final picture looks like this. I know that I want to paint the U but I'm not sure what color yet so it is staying white. Also I'm still looking for something to put in those little buckets. Idea's suggestions please please I beg you! Help me make my home cute.

1 comment:

  1. cute cute cute! Get some cute little fake flowers and stick them in those buckets. Or have Kurtis buy you some cute flowers to stick in those buckets. Ya, I like that idea best.
