Friday, August 24, 2012

Scenes of a Summer

I know it has been forever since I posted anything but really this summer has been so insane,my life has totally changed since June 15... When Disney California Adventure relaunched! So here are some if the things we have been up too... A few non pictured highlights, new car, Kurtis won Canoe Races got a fancy lawyer job and quit Disney, I started running, new position at work and pretty much moved into the Tower of Terror, and oh met Justin Bieber (not impressed)

Lots of days at the Beach
Blonde Highlights

Cars land Opening

More Beach bonfires with great friends

Hanging out on Route 66 on opening day


  1. You for you and your hubby! I love reading your blog :)

  2. That's great that Kurt got a job as a lawyer and totally hilarious that you met Justin Bieber and weren't impressed. Awesome! We've been DYING to see CARS land (especially Aedan). Hopefully soon. I bet it's awesome! I would say that we'd come say hi but I can't go on Tower of Terror anymore. Just can't stand the drop anymore (but I still love roller coasters... weird right?).

  3. I LOOOOVE BIEBER!!!! So if you love NY style thin-crust pizza, you NEED to go to NYPD Pizza in downtown Fullerton. You'll die. And yes, I feel like I haven't seen you outside of 5 minutes at church in forever.
